After our Provence journey, we headed over to Amsterdam. City of Sin supposedly, or is that Las Vegas? We booked ourselves in this trippy apartment called....try and guess from the picture below:

Anyway, Amsterdam, famous for the red light district or as we affectionately acronymed it, the RLD. Equally famous are the coffee shops, the source of weed, hash and space cakes.

The thing you see above is a space cake. It looks like a really trippy cake made for school fairs, however, it tastes awful. Much like grass cuttings in a instant sponge cake. Did we get a trip? Nope. Because we couldn't eat anymore than one bite. At least we could image what it was to be a cow.
Next up Hash - when in Amsterdam....Well, the fellas gingerly went to get some hash from the recommended supplier across the road from the crazy apartment. A note for visitors to Amsterdam. 1 Gram of Hash is plenty enough, my friends asked for 2 Grams because 1 sounded weak, but believe me, 1 gram is plenty. Anyway, after several hick-ups - i.e. breaking the bong and sucking in pure hash, we managed to the cheapest bong in the shop as a replacement and had a puff or six. The result? No laughing like school girls, just a bout of dizziness closely followed by a desire to nap. Overall, hash is totally overrated. Just buy a few pints of beer and it does the same thing, without all the legal issues.

Finally the RLD. Nothing much to say really, except that you can't take pictures unless you want some European pimp the size of Jabba the Hut coming out and sitting on you. I guess its alot cleaner than having them on the street corners and they don't get cold so easily strutting around in their bikini's or school girl outfits.
Apart for the somewhat notorious side of Amsterdam, there are the "family friendly" attractions in Amsterdam. Namely, the Canals, the river boats and the Galleries. We spent an afternoon just walking around the streets of Amsterdam avoiding the zillions of crazy people on bike and generally taking in the rather quiet atmosphere. Some of the highlights include:

1. Canals. Lots of Canals, one local told us that to find the city centre, you look down the canal and where it turns left (or was that right?) that's the direction of the city. Pretty sound advice once you remeber whether it was left or right.

2. Bike jam. Lots of bikes in Amsterdam. They have their own little roads which looks suspiciously like footpaths except for the white line dividing it. So if you are walking on anything that has a white line down the middle, move otherwise you will get "dinged".

3. Rembrandt's "the Night Watchman" Rather nice paiting if I do say so myself.
Overall, Amsterdam is a fairly nice place.