Despite typical London weather, we venturned out in what was fast becoming "our" car, a streetcar named "Charlie". Charlie is a little Volkswagen Golf which is part of a car sharing program called Streetcar. We say fast becoming our car as we have had to fill it up with Petrol 3 times! and have done most of the Km's on it. Oh the really brilliant thing about Streetcar is that the petrol is free and at the current price of 98p ($2.45 ozzie) per liter, that is quite cool.
Anyway, I can tell you that Charlie, carrying 4 adults on board can quite comfortably make it to 90 miles per hour (doing about 4400RPM in 5th Gear) but despite that effort, it had difficulty keeping up with most of the London traffic on the M3 motorway. We were constantly overtaken by drivers in the bigger Mercedes/BMW's and even Transit Vans, who seemed to be quite intent on reaching the next traffic jam before anyone else.
Enough of the car I guess and onto Bath and Stonehenge.
Not alot to say about Bath except that it is really nice. The Roman baths are niceish but the water there is yuk!
We went past the famous Sally Lunn building, which is supposidly the oldest building in bath. Also worth mentioning was that this Sally Lunn bird apprently had really nice buns. Rubbish. Having big buns is nothing to gloat about. Sure they were big and round, but unless they are smothered in cream, they are just buns. Anyway, we ate one with Vietnamese meatloaf for dinner and it was just OK.
Stonehenge is a bunch of rocks in a circle. That's it. You have to see it but don't get too excited about it.

Rest of the photo's will be up later.
Oh, in Bath we came across this tosser. Jeremy clarkson frequently bags Porsche drivers, he calls boxers, "cocksters", caymens "gaymens" and anyone in a 911 as a wanker. A bit harsh on all the Porsche drivers, but I found one that was at least honest.