We went to Brussels with a plan. It was to have a look at the famous pissing boy statue, visit the famous square, eat mussles and waffles (not at once mind you), drink lots of beer and buy some chocolate. I also wanted to eat some steak. Anyway, we left the hotel at 10am on Saturday ready to see the sights.
10:15am, The pissing boy- check.

10:25am: The square - check.

Right, it was too early for mussels so we just walked around.
12: Hungry so we went to Aux Armes de Bruxelles for lunch. Brilliant food listed as 4 forks (which I later realised was the price scale (1 being a bargain and 5 being first born) on the Michellin restaurant guide (never travel without it). Mussels - check.
I can't remember what happend between lunch and dinner so lets just skip to the dinner part.
6:30: Dinner at Jacques, another Michellin recommended restraurant in the "seafood district". Anyway, the steak was fantastic. So steak - check.
Around 9:00pm we hit the bar and had lots of beer! (okay, just one glass but it was a big glass!) So beer - check.
The next day, we headed over to Brugge, for the rest of our tour. Waffles!
That was it.
Oh yeah, chocolate...we bought lots of that too.
So, that was Belgium. We arrived back to London, completely relaxed for a change.